Goals for 2015


It’s that time of year where everyone makes plans and sets goals and generally decides what they’d like to accomplish during the coming year.

I’m no exception to this tradition.

So…these aren’t in any particular order, but here’s what I’d like to accomplish.

1.) Finish my first YA series.

2) Finish the four stories currently on my plate.

3.) Get the business with friends up and off the ground.

4.) Continue to eat healthier.

5.) Exercise more (ugh…but it must be done)

6.) Continue to purge my house of excess belongings.

7.) Read at least a couple books (for pleasure) a month.

8.) Finish knitting my sweater and start the next one.

9.) Sew through one of the boxes of fabric in my craft room/office.

10.) Get the clay out and work on some pieces (and try to find a place to fire it).

11.) Spend more time in nature.

12.) Have an amazing writers retreat.

13.) Finally meet Chaos Chris in person.

14.) Speak up when I should.

15.) Learn to make some natural beauty projects.

16.) Grow a more successful garden than this year.

17.) Continue to try new things.

18.) Combat procrastination more effectively. (I can hear you all laughing, but it’s cool.)

19.) Continue to blog weekly.

20.) Write daily.

Click on the names below to see what the other bloggers’ goals are.


