Dear 2016, You Can Fuck Right Off

So, this post is meant to be the annual look back at 2016 and a look ahead at goals for 2017.


I think Helen Mirren said it well. For me, this year has pretty much sucked endless ass–particularly on the professional, cultural, social and political fronts. But for the sake of this post (and my mental health) I’m just going to focus on my own professional issues.

The short version of this post is: I feel like I’ve failed miserably on the professional front and I hate everything.

Here’s how everything shook out.

I’d planned to write 5 books and 36 pieces of flash fiction.

I wrote 36 pieces of flash fiction, 3 short stories, and  1 book–1 book that I dearly love. And then? I was stupid enough to release it four days prior to what may have been the most contentious, awful election in all of U.S. history. Way to think that through, Bron.

I’d planned to write all 76 scheduled blog posts.

I actually did that – plus 35 more for a total of 111 blog posts. So, that was good.

And Jess and I did start our newsletter, finally. So, that’s good, too.

So that ended up being:

Writing: 89,471 words

Blogging: 77,482 words

Client Editing: 1,431,892 words

That’s a far cry from last year, but it’s also not zero, so…

And to be fair, I don’t hate everything. But I do hate the stress, anxiety, depression, and fear that have been my constant companions for the last 12 months. I’m usually a fairly positive person, but worry and grief over world and cultural events (as well as a few personal ones) have made that more than a little difficult.


But, ultimately, my family and friends are safe and sound and whole and mostly well, and for me, that’s the most important thing.

So, my goals for this coming year are:

Get a handle on the negativity that’s seems to be plaguing me.

Do what I can to affect positive change in the world–even if they’re only small things.

Write day and night like I’m running out of time.

How about you – what are your goals?

Be sure to check out the other bloggers’ goals: Gwen and Jessica.

Author: Bronwyn

There's not a lot to tell - I'm married a wonderful guy and we have two fantastic, kids. I write erotic romance and try to avoid housework and cooking at all costs.

14 thoughts on “Dear 2016, You Can Fuck Right Off”

  1. 2016 should be the year that doesn’t count. We need a do-over. But since we’re not standing on a playground holding a baseball in our hands, I’ll just say that 2017 will be better. *nods*

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 3 novels, 5 short stories. It will require discipline, but I have to think of it as a job, not recreation.
    As for your negativity, find a quote that resonates with you and post it near your writing space. Mine says “I am a brilliant and prolific writer.”
    Here’s to an awesome 2017.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. First of all – I object to this “total failure” thinking! So not! You are alive and well. Your family is alive and well. So you didn’t get that “great American novel” written. You wrote! That is good. Now you want to talk failure – I bought that book released in November, but for whatever reason I haven’t read it yet. I will get right on that! 😉 But, even with that, I am not really a failure. I just didn’t follow through.

    Somewhere I read a quote about nothing is really failure but a learning experience. Since I have been working very hard on the positive thinking stuff for a few years now, I am learning to work with things like this. So much easier said than done, but I am finding that I am having more positive days that negative days. Just takes work. The grateful journal is a good tool, and keeping myself around positive people.

    BTW, just smiling helps the positive attitude and does effect small changes in the world at the same time. A two-fer. 😀

    Oh yeah – my goals? Mostly just to get out of bed every day and do the best I can. Some days that isn’t as easy as it sounds like it should be, but . . . well, I think you know what I mean.

    Happy New Year! Wishing you the best of years.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know you’re right. Sometimes I have a hard time not falling into that “all or nothing” attitude. It’s not at all healthy. I’m not a total failure, but damn…not a good year. But like you, I’m gonna roll out of bed and do the best I can. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I agree with Pansy Petal. You did not fail. But I feel ya.

    Now if you want to talk failure… I haven’t written since June. LOL

    I love youuuuu!


  5. “Get a handle on the negativity that’s seems to be plaguing me.” So…what you are saying is that you need more positivity and you need to hang out with me more. Brilliant idea! Best idea! Awesome idea! Way to go! You’re amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I totally hear you about getting a handle on the negativity. I was going to go on and on in my blog about how I failed and realized there was no point. I know the year didn’t go the way I wanted so why rehash it. It’s over, done with, and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it. So on to 2017 and I agree with Jessica we need to hang out with her and each other. LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I don’t see the things you listed as failures. I see a bunch of new words–both edited and written. That’s a HUGE accomplishment.

    I said I was going to do every blog post for the rest of 2016–and I didn’t. Shit got in the way. Life happens.

    My goal for 2017 is to do ALLL the blog posts. *nods*

    Instead of being all rant-y about things (whether I do it publically or not), I’m going to actually do something proactive about it. Whether it directly relates or whether it just makes me feel a little more in control of a situation.


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